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Investing in real estate accessible to everyday individuals.

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Build your real estate portfolio all in one place

Buy shares of carefully curated properties across dynamic residential markets. At the end of each month, receive dividend distributions directly into your account.


(2) Buy shares of carefully curated properties across dynamic residential markets. At the end of each month, receive dividend distributions directly into your account.


(3) Buy shares of carefully curated properties across dynamic residential markets. At the end of each month, receive dividend distributions directly into your account.


(4) Buy shares of carefully curated properties across dynamic residential markets. At the end of each month, receive dividend distributions directly into your account.


Risk-adjusted returns

Residential real estate investing provides the opportunity for risk adjusted returns. Properties offered are highly efficient investments; located in stable, high appreciation, and high cash-flowing markets.


Create your account

Set up your account and become investor ready in under 5 minutes

Get started

Explore and invest

Browse through curated properties to find the ones that work for you and your investing strategy.

Explore properties

Grow your portfolio

Follow your portfolio, and watch as your dividends and property appreciation grow.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I earn money using Tropiky?

    Answer: By selling and lending

  • How do dividends work?

    Answer: same as every other stock exchange

  • Can I sell my shares of properties?

    Answer: Yes you can

  • What is Tropiky’s Lending product?

    Answer: Tropiky’s lending platform

  • Does Tropiky charge fees?

    Answer: Yes.

  • Does it have mining software?

    Answer: Yes we do we have our whole ecosystem.